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What if you would know exactly how your business is doing? Online and updated like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram….
Designed for top management simple usage (visualizing what´s important and relevant)
Focused on social media style based data input combining manual reporting / manual data input with statistical analysis to show relevant information and trends.
Facebook and Twitter mindset but in a corporate landscape
We enable the knowledge within your organization with simplistic and rapid solutions to achieve more with less.
A simple and personalized solution that everyone can use in an easy way. A solution that supports leaders, managers and employees to plan, manage and execute the daily work from simple task handling to strategic portfolio management. A solution that combines and bridges lean based solutions with niche portfolio management solutions
Our team has 20+ years of experience from leading global R&D, project portfolios consisting of hundreds of projects run across multiple locations and timezones.
Mastering all key principles of modern techniques and management of projects and portfolio execution covering Lean, Kanban
VPM – Visual Performance Management, Obeya (Plan, Task, Issue, Risk Mgmt. etc.), Daily Team Leadership (DTL), PULSE, Kaizen, Behavior Calendar, KPI Management, PMI – Project Management, PMI - Portfolio Management, etc.